Biocides are heavily regulated in the EU and the UK. From 1st January 2021, the responsibility for setting and overseeing biocide regulation in the UK has passed from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to the UK’s Health & Safety Executive (HSE). The HSE has adopted ECHA’s regulations and registrations for the time being and is establishing its register of authorised, active substances and suppliers. Centrego is registered with ECHA and the HSE for the supply of biocides under the classifications of: Active chlorine generated from sodium chloride by electrolysis (Redefined from Active Chlorine: manufactured by the reaction of hypochlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite produced in situ), and Active chlorine released from hypochlorous acid (Redefined from Active Chlorine: manufactured by the reaction of hypochlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite produced in situ)

We take our customers and clients health and safety extremely seriously. This is why we make sure that our products are thoroughly tested, accredited and certified by the appropriate authorities to comply with official guidelines set out by the leading professional organisations. Centrego is listed with the European Chemicals Agency under Article 95 of the EU Biocides Regulations and with the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) under the new UK Biocides Regulations. ou can rest assured that with any of our products, you will have the correct accreditation and safety checks carried out before they get to you.

HOCl is the ideal biocide for environments that require the highest hygiene standards to control the transmission and spread of pathogens, including enveloped and non-enveloped viruses. Facilities such as care homes, dental surgeries, schools, nurseries and universities and health clinics where infection control is a primary responsibility require safe and rapid-acting biocides with high efficacy performance. HOCl meets all these requirements at low concentrations, killing pathogens and protecting people and the environment.
Compliance statements are required on product labelling
• Registered with European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) under the EU Biocides Regulations Article 95
• Registered with the UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
• Tested to the following BS & EN standards for biocides including efficacy against bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores and moulds.
EN1276 (2019) • EN13697 • EN 14476 • EN 16777 • EN 14348 • EN 1650 • EN 13727 • EN 13624 • NF T 72-281
Centrego electrolysis systems are designed for the “in situ” production of the biocidal active substance “Active chlorine produced from sodium chloride by means of electrolysis”. According to the Biocide Regulation BPR 528/2012, in the countries of the European Union, Great Britain and Switzerland for “in situ” produced biocidal active substances, which are used as disinfectants, are allowed. As of 01/09/2015, only precursors that meet the quality requirements of the DIN EN relevant to these substances and which originate from a manufacturer or supplier listed according to Article 95 of the Biocide Regulation may be used.
Active chlorine produced from sodium chloride by electrolysis: Centrego electrolysis systems produce either a hypochlorous acid active substance, or a mixed oxidant solution containing hypochlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite solution which is <1%.
Please note that we recommend BPR 528/2012 compliant salt according to one of the following regulations:
EN 973 A,
EN 973 B,
EN 14805 TYPE 1
EN 14805 TYPE 2
EN 16370 TYPE 1
EN 16370 TYPE 2
EN 16401 TYPE 1
EN 16401 TYPE 2.01 TYPE 2.
Sodium Chloride:
EC-Nr. 231-598-3;
CAS-Nr. 7647-14-5;
Centrego’s salt compliance document is available at the link below:
Centrego recommends the use of Ineos Hydrosoft salt granules. Ineos Hydrosoft salt is Article 95 approved for use in electrolysis in the EU and the UK.
The Ineos Hydrosoft data sheet is available at the link below: